Lab: Basic editing and moving around Agenda * navigating a document * normal mode editing commands * insert mode key mappings * vim additions navigating a document gg jump to beginning of a document G jump to end of a document H move cursor to top of screen (high) M move cursor to middle of screen (middle) L move cursor to bottom of screen (low) ctrl-Y scroll viewport up a single line ctrl-E scroll viewport down a single line (end) ctrl-U scroll up a half page ctrl-D scroll down a half page pgup scroll a whole page up pgdn scroll a whole page down /[query] regex search (? for backward search) n next result N previous result editing in normal mode i go to insert mode on cursor position (insert) a go to insert mode after cursor position (append) I go to insert mode at line start A go to insert mode at line end x delete single character under cursor X delete single character before cursor r replace a single character R go to replace mode ~ change case of a single character yy yank a single (copy) dd delete a single line (cut) cc change a single line p paste after cursor P paste before cursor u undo last change . repeat action C change from current cursor position up to the end of the line D delete from current cursor position up to the end of the line Y yank a single line o insert new line after cursor -> go to insert mode O insert new line before cursor -> go to insert mode >> indent one level more << indent one level less vim additions ctrl-r redo ctrl-a increment number ctrl-x decrement number * search for word under cursor # search for word under cursor (backwards) `" last exit current buffer `. last insert location `[ first character of last yanked or changed text `] last character of last yanked or changed text # creating custom marks revisiting insert mode ctrl-w deletes word before cursor (word) ctrl-u deletes everything before cursor ctrl-d decrease indentation (decrease) ctrl-t increase indentation (tab) ctrl-o executes a single command in normal mode (only one command) ctrl-y copy character above cursor ctrl-e copy character below cursor ctrl-n complete with next match ctrl-p complete with previous match ctrl-e abort the autocomplete menu (end)